Saturday, January 24, 2015

Every start is difficult.

I've been thinking about loosing weight for the last 11 years...
Yes, that's a lot of time to be just thinking about something, but I've tried so many times to lose weight and ended up bigger that I am currently very discouraged to just think about it again. So I've just decided that I need to share my experience with you people out there and maybe you can cheer me up in the process.
To give you a little of my background I am currently full time employee and have a husband, 2 kids and a house to take care of. My working day starts really early each day and finish late and on top of that I have to study. Yes, I am still studying like the majority of people that comes to Canada to start a new life as an adult. We have been here for the last 5 years and now we are true Canadians including passport and all...
English is not my first language but I'll write this blog in that language because it will be a good thing for me to practice.
I am a doctor/physician and I consider myself to have a little knowledge regarding diet and nutrients to be healthier. Perhaps if that was the only thing needed to lose weight, that would be extremely easy. Losing weight requires preparation, dedication, courage and a strong character and some times I am not the best with this attributes. It will also be a test of how determinate I am to reach my goals. I am currently slightly overweight and my BMI is not the ideal. I've gained approximately 10 kg in the past 5 years (average of 2 kg per winter) and that needs to stop.
Tomorrow I will weight myself before starting a modified version of the  South Beach Diet which has been the only diet that have worked for me in the past. I will post at least every 2 days of my advances or mishaps and I am looking forward to find any weight loss peers to whom I can share my experience and lose this extra weight that is bothering me so much.
If you start reading me after I reach my goal which is lose 200 gr per day in 7 weeks I'll be happy to be your inspiration and let you know that things are possible if you really focus and work hard to reach them.
Wish me luck...
See you tomorrow.

Dr. Tulip

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